Affordable 3 Years Old, Pre-Schooler Daycare Services in Petaluma

Affordable daycare Petaluma

Affordable  Pre-Schooler Daycare for your Children in Petaluma

Affordable infant 3 years old preschooler  services Petaluma

Fluffy Smiles Daycare Petaluma early preschool program focuses interactive play, sharing, cooperating, empathizing are a great part of it as well as good communication skills. 

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Your kid will increase his or her vocabulary, learn letter sounds, and pre-reading skills. Fluffy Smiles Daycare Petaluma will introduce science through fun hands-on experiments and daily activities aimed to develop their basic counting and mathematical skills.

Call us at 707 772-9113

Every day filled with plenty of activities designed to prepare them for the pre-school years, kids will learn how to love and look for answers to their daily challengesto, and how to be lifelong learners!

We also offer group exercises and individual skills practice to accompany your child’s physical development and provide him or her with opportunities to explore areas of personal interests.

Each day your child will learn new skills througha ctivities that are customized to each child based on their current development abilities, every kid is unique and bright.

Pre-School Daycare in Petaluma - Hands-on Involvement

Fluffy Smiles Daycare Petaluma's self-directed activities encourage children to learn through engaging, group activities that allow each child to explore their surroundings and learn how to navigate it.

Decision-making and Problem-Solving Skills - Daycare in Petaluma 

Preschooler daycare service Petaluma

At this age, children at Fluffy Smiles Daycare Petaluma will learn how react to their surroundings and anticipate responses to it, deciding, and solving these challenges is presented to them in a playful manner.

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Your kid will increase his or her vocabulary, learn letter sounds, and pre-read

Your 3 years old kids will learn in a safe and loving environment, where there are no wrong answers, instead they will learn how to explore the out coming result of their interactions.

Call us at 707 772-9113

Emotional, Behavioral, and Social Skills Development | Daycare Petaluma

Our 3 years old daycare program in Petaluma helps your child to develop a healthy, happy, and well-adjusted approach to daily life events.

Fluffy Smiles Daycare Petaluma works with small 3:1 group of children for maximum monitoring of their activities, enabling us to better focus on their sensory, physical, emotional, social, and cognitive development. 

Some of our main focus:
 Preschoolers in our 3 years old daycare program will learn to build and grow their vocabulary in preparation for Kindergarten.

​​A Home Away From Home - Your  Daycare in Petaluma

Learning and Growing Together!

  • listVocabulary
  • Preschoolers in our 3 years old daycare program will learn to build and grow their vocabulary in preparation for Kindergarten.
  • listSocial-emotional Activities
At this age, 3 to 5, preschoolers learn how to handle and display their emotions when interacting with their peers and teachers.
Our 3 years old daycare program will greatly enhance your child’s social-emotional growth through positive interactions with those around them.
  • listLiteracy skills
Your preschooler will start putting their alphabet skills to work, getting ready to learn how to read together in groups or individually.
Great to explore new concepts and activities and explore with better guidance while learning to cooperate and work together with their friends.
  • list3:1 Group Format
  • For maximum monitoring of their activities, enabling us to better focus on their sensory, physical, emotional, social, and cognitive development.
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Infants, Babies Daycare Program

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3 years old Daycare Petaluma

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Booking Daycare Petaluma

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