Affordable Babies, Infants Daycare Services in Petaluma

Affordable daycare Petaluma

Affordable Infant Daycare for your Baby in Petaluma

Affordable infant daycare services Petaluma

Our affordable in-home family style infant daycare, child care services in Petaluma will daily explore ways to develop your baby, infant motor abilities such as touch, vision, taste, and movement, our infants daycare program incorporates plenty of daily activities inside and at our spacious backyard. 

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Fluffy Smiles Daycare in Petaluma will apply our play and learn, providing your babies plenty of space to play, roll, crawl and explore actively, for a healthy mind and body full development!

Call us at 707 772-9113

We encourage our infants to play, move, grab toys and familiarize with their shapes, stacking them up and knocking them out is their favorite!

Babies immersed in a multicultural environment will naturally learn new sounds and new languages when playing together with other infants!

Our daily activity schedule is perfect for their fast brain growth to take place, they will squeeze, feel textured balls and make friends.

Fluffy Smiles will follow all recommendations and family patterns

Infant Day Care
Gently start our infant program over the first weeks on Petaluma daycare

Gently starting our infant program over the first weeks

  • listYou're welcome to be with your child whenever you want!
  • listWe'll progressively introduce our full schedule, including for eating, napping, and toileting. 
  • listMaintain frequent and daily contact, and timely hand-written, oral, and electronic communications.
  • listMake sure your child feels safe and loved in the new setting.
  • listProvide the right conditions for your child to develop optimally in their own way and in their own time.
  • listNotify you and work on all emerging issues for your child, like new challenges and/or opportunities.
Baby, Infants Daycare Petaluma

Infants, Babies Daycare Program

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Booking Daycare Petaluma

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