Daycare Petaluma Tuitions

Affordable daycare Petaluma

Infants, Toddlers and Children up to 5 years - Petaluma Daycare

If you are looking for affordable daycare services in Petaluma, Rohnert Park, Novato, Sonoma, Roseland, San Anselmo, down to San Rafael and Napa Valley, please call us today and set your appointment today!

If you are looking for an affordable daycare services in Petaluma, Rohnert Park, Novato, Sonoma, Roseland, San Anselmo, down to San Rafael and Napa Valley, please call us and set your appointment today!

set appointment for daycare

Offering the best daycare services in Petaluma and nearby cities at very cost-effective rates, family style full time and part time for your kids in a loving and caring environment, making the learning experience fun and full of fluffy smiles!

Call us at 707 772-9113

Our Daycare Tuitions include:

Convenient Part Time or Full Time Daycare Services in Petaluma

Fluffy Smiles Daycare Petaluma offers quality childcare services that are very convenient, from 3 days a week to full week, your infants, toddlers and kids up to 5 years old can play, learn and develop their motor, social and intellectual skills in a positive atmosphere, under the guidance of our experienced staff.

  • listFull Time Care (8 am - 5 pm)
  • listDrop-in 
  • listBasically, Organic Snack served
  • listNap Time Sheets & Blankets
  • listArt Materials

Monday - Friday 8 am to 5 pm

5 days a week $ By email 

4 days a week $ By email 

3 days a week $ By email

Call us at 707 772-9113

Extras Fees

Extra Full day / Drop-in  $ By email 

Extra Half day  $ By email 

Extra one hour $ By email 

Daycare Tuition Promos Petaluma
Monthly billing with the same amount due on the 1st of every month, regardless of any holidays or vacations. 

Are you ready for some Fluffy Smiles Fun & Learning?

family daycare in Petaluma  Infants, toddlers, up to 3 years old

Petaluma - Daycare Application Process

Fluffy Smiles Daycare Petaluma

We're open to all children between the ages of 6 month and 5 years old.

Apply now...

set appointment for daycare

Fill out Application Forms

Once all requirements have been completed, we will contact applicants to discuss details.

Application Acceptance:

Choose your Schedule and pay for your monthly Tuition!

Keep in Touch: Visit us on FACEBOOK and INSTAGRAM


Baby, Infants Daycare Petaluma

Infants, Babies Daycare Program

Toddlers Daycare Petaluma

Toddlers Daycare Program

3 years old Daycare Petaluma

Kids 5 years Daycare Program

Booking Daycare Petaluma

Enroll Now! Set your Visit Today...