Daycare Program
Fluffy Smiles Affordable Childcare Petaluma | Daycare Program
Daycare for Children 6 months to 5 Years Old in Petaluma
Finding a quality home style daycare in Petaluma for your infant baby, toddler or 5 Years old child can be a difficult task for parents, we've made it our mission to mave it a lot easier, by offering exactly what we would expect from a great daycare program for our own kids!
Our cost-effective approach starts with hiring only the best qualified daycare people, we want your children to be motivate by them and properly guided, with love, care and attention to details, and most of all - to be able to relate with children from ages 6 months to 5 Years old.
At Fluffy Smiles Daycare in Petaluma we will take or your kids under an always positive atmosphere, your infants, toddlers and kids up to 5 Years old, will be motivated to inquire about their world, while following their natural curiosity.
Infants | Toddlers | Children up to 5 Years - Quality Montessori Based Daycare in Petaluma
By carefully and intentionally participating on their quest for knowledge, we can guide them to find their own answers and explore them, so they can better understand them and expand their little world view, everyday is a new step towards the discovery adventure of life, this playful way of learning will require new social skills, balanced emotions and some intellectual and abstract effort...but they will LOVE IT!
Your Children are always safe, well fed and rested during their entire part-time or full-time daycare activities day, we have monitoring cameras, inside and outside or daycare location in Petaluma
Offering Affordable Montessori inspired daycare program, with toys that are specially made to get kids involved with their learning, they are not JUST playing, but learning at the same time, every child is the center of their own daily journey, kids will learn to respect, care, nurture, love and question, within every daily social activity at Fluffy Smiles Daycare Petaluma.
Infant Childcare Program
Affordable quality daycare services Petaluma, home family style child care for infants 6 months & up your baby will love it...
Toddler Childcare Program
Home style toddlers daycare / childcare services for Petaluma and nearby cities, lots of love & care for your toddlers, open enrollment...
We are fully vaccinated, our daycare in Petaluma is purified with HEPA Filters with proper ventilation, all surfaces UV light sterilized. Our space is monitored by cameras - Inside and outside.
COVID- 19 Compliance: Masks are NOT Required!
Fluffy Smiles Daycare's Program Details
Class size
Small group sizes allow us to efficiently perform our child daycare services.
Licensed in California - Facility #493010560. Experienced staff, we hire only the best.
6 months to 5 Years old children may apply
Full Time or Part time
Nutritious meals
Primarily organic Breakfast , Lunch and 2 Snack times are included on each day.